CHESS Upgrade with Compact Undulator Magnets: Operating Experience and First Results

A. Temnykh,D. Dale, E. Fontes,A. Lyndaker, Y. Li,J. Ruff, P. Revesz,A. Woll

AIP Conference Proceedings(2016)

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In November 2014 two in-air 1.5m CHESS Compact Undulator (CCU) magnets built by KYMA S.R.l. were installed in Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) in canted arrangement and after few days of commissioning their regular operation started. CCU magnets are compact, lightweight and cost efficient devices. They have very stable magnetic field integrals independent of deflection parameter value. This feature greatly simplifies the storage ring operation. The CCU concept was developed at Cornell in 2011 and the first 1m in-vacuum CCU magnet was beam-tested in 2012. The article presents CCU concept and some details of the design. It describes also the layout of CCUs installation in CESR, their performance and characteristics. The current status of operation and future plans are discussed as well. Presently, at CHESS two CCU magnets provide radiation for 5 out of 11 experimental stations.
chess upgrade,compact undulator magnets
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