First Pass Yield Improvement in Fuel Injection Pump Delivery Valve Assembly

AIP Conference Proceedings(2019)

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This work was carried out in an automotive sector, for single cylinder fuel injection pump (pf-33) delivery valve assembly line. Our work aims to focus on internal quality improvement to reduce rejection in a delivery Valve assembly line, which was having around 10.5% scrap. A substantial improvement of around 60% we estimated after the completion of work. The present work also signifies the data regarding the two significant rejections were taken for study as per Pareto Analysis from three months of rejection data. Observed that a significant problem with Delivery Valve (DV) through flow measurement is because the machine to test the through flow did not attain standard specification limits, and the method of assembly of parts needs to be improved as it caused misalignment. Some via simple techniques like the "seven basic quality control (QC) tools" and also why-Why analysis provided a valuable and cost-effective way to solve the problem. Of these various techniques, some tools and techniques like Cause & Effect Diagram, Pareto Analysis and Bar charts were mainly used. Brainstorming sessions were set and executed to identify the leading root causes of rejections in the assembly line. Several benefits have been observed from this work is that increase in productivity, reduction in Work In Progress (WIP) and improved production techniques.
First Pass Yield Improvement (FPY),Pareto Analysis,QC tools,Why-Why Analysis
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