Diagnostics of interaction point properties and bunch-by-bunch tune measurements at CESR

G. W. Codner,M. A. Palmer, E. P. Tanke, A. B. Temnykh

AIP Conference Proceedings(2006)

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The Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) undergoes significant changes in running conditions as operation for CLEO-c high energy physics is interleaved with synchrotron light operation for CHESS (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source). Two examples of CESR beam instrumentation applications that are being used to understand storage ring conditions are described: 1) measurement of coupling at the interaction point using the single bunch, multiple turn, type I CESR Beam Position Monitor (CBPM) electronics with continuous beam excitation and 2) measurement of individual bunch tunes to explore possible electron cloud effects using the multiple bunch, multiple turn, type II CBPM electronics with a shock-excited beam. Both applications use the same acquired data for a given bunch, which is turn-by-turn beam position data, and both applications extract the relevant information using the discrete Fourier transform of the time sequences.
CESR,CLEO,CHESS,storage ring,beam position monitor,CBPM,betatron tunes,coupling,interaction point,luminosity,e,e-,collider,electron cloud
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