Seasonal variations in some soil characteristics on urban area of Karachi, Pakistan


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A comparative study on seasonal variations in some soil characteristics on urban area of Karachi was carried out. Seasonal variation disturbances due to environmental factors in edaphic characteristic may cause differences in mineral nutrients status. Therefore, it is necessary to study the seasonal variations in soil characteristics the urban area. The chemical characteristics of the urban area soil viz. A=Karachi University, B=Manghopir, C=Patel Para, D=Cantt area, E= N.I.T.E. (New Karachi Industrial Trading Estate, Godhra Industrial Area New Karachi), F= K.I.T.E. (Korangi Industrial Trading Estate), G= S.I.T.E. (Sindh Industrial Trading Estate) showed slight variation in autumn and winter season. The soil of the urban areas was alkaline in nature and contained an appreciable amount of calcium carbonate. The soil of the urban areas showed significant p<0.05 difference in calcium carbonate, sodium and potassium in autumn season. The soil pH of all the seven different sites was found differently in autumn and winter season, respectively. Chemical properties of soil in terms of calcium carbonate at all sites were non-significantly different in winter season. However, the concentration of soil extractable sodium and extractable potassium were found significantly different among all the sites
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Calcium carbonate,industrial areas,potassium,pH,season,soil characteristics,sodium,urban soil
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