Floristic diversity and ecological characteristics of flora of Kharawo Talash, Dir lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


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The present study was conducted to investigate the floristic composition, phenology, life structure, leaf size and plant habit for the different plant in Kharawo Talash Dir Lower from March 2015 to November 2017. The flora of Kharawo Talash comprises of 165 species having belonged to 79 families and 129 genera. As per the plant habit, there are 115 species of herb, 27 species of shrub, 18 species of the tree, 02 species of grasses and climbers and one species sedge. The well -represented families were Asteraceae contributing 19 taxa, Lamiaceae 14, Rosaceaae or Solanaceae 07, Papillionaceae and Polygonaceae and Euphorbiaceae 05, Brassicaceae contributing 04 taxa. The Life form classes were controlled by Raunkiaers strategy which uncovers that the most predominant living thing was Therophytes half species, followed by Nanophanerophytes 15%, Megaphenerophytes 09%, Chameophytes 08%, Hemicryptophytes 07%, Geophyte 05%, Cryptophyte 4.6%, and Liana 02%. As for as the leaf size is concerned, Microphyll was the most pervasive leaf size with 52% species, followed by Nanophyll 25%, Mesophyll 15%, Leptophyll 7% and Megaphyll with 1.2%. Study the overall ecological scenario and might be helpful as a reference study for protection and manageable utilization of plants.
Floristic composition,Ecological characteristics,Kharawo Talash,Pakistan
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