Long-Term Consequences of Severe Maternal Morbidity on Infant Growth and Development


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Objective Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is already known to be associated with adverse neonatal outcomes, however, its association with long-term deficits of weight and height, and impairment in neurodevelopment among children was not yet fully assessed. We aim to evaluate whether SMM has repercussions on the weight and height-for-age and neurodevelopmental status of the child. Methods A retrospective cohort analysis with women who had SMM events in a tertiary referral center in Brazil. They were compared to a control group of women who had not experienced any SMM. Childbirth and perinatal characteristics, weight and height-for-age deficits and neurodevelopmental impairment suspicion by Denver II Test were comparatively assessed in both groups using RR and 95% CI. Multiple regression analysis was used addressing deficit of weight-for-age, height-for-age and an altered Denver Test, estimating their independent adjusted RR and 95% CI. Results 634 women with perinatal outcomes available (311 with SMM and 323 without) and 571 children were assessed. Among women with SMM, increased rates in perinatal deaths, Apgar lower than 7 at five minutes, shorter breastfeeding period, preterm birth (49.0% × 11.1%), low birthweight (45.8% × 11.5%), deficits of weight-for-age [RR 3.11 (1.60–6.04)] and height-for-age [RR 1.52 (1.06–2.19)] and altered Denver Test [RR 1.5 (1.02–2.36)] were more frequently found than in the control group. SMM was not identified as independently associated with any of the main outcomes. Conclusion SMM showed to be associated with a negative impact on growth and neurodevelopment aspects of perinatal and infant health. These findings suggest that effective health policies directed towards appropriate care of pregnancy may have an impact on the reduction of maternal, neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality.
Severe maternal morbidity, Complications of pregnancy, Child growth, Child development
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