Study on the Performance of Titanium Materials Based on Nano Silver Particles in Orthodontic Healing.

Weijun Yan,Ping Shao, Adel Elgaber, Fatma Gara, Rajoua Anane

Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology(2021)

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Nanomaterials are used as a new type of antibacterial agent in clinical medical research projects due to their unique physical and chemical properties. In this study, silane coupling method was used to coat nano-silver particles on titanium sheets to make the smooth titanium surface have antibacterial properties. Scanning electron microscope to observe the surface morphology of silane coupling modified titanium plate, the shape and size of nano-silver particles, and the adhesion on titanium plate; X-ray energy spectroscopy and line scan analysis of each element on the titanium wafer; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy quantitative analysis of surface elements on the titanium wafer. The experimental group was nano-silver modified titanium sheet, and the control group was smooth titanium sheet. The experimental results show that the titanium material loaded with nano-silver particles has better antibacterial performance in the orthodontic process than ordinary materials. This material is highly safe and can be promoted for use.
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Key words
nano silver particles,titanium materials
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