A Hybrid Recommendation System For Marine Science Observation Data Based On Content And Literature Filtering

Xiaoyang Song, Yonggang Guo, Yongguo Chang, Fei Zhang, Junfeng Tan, Jie Yang, Xiaolong Shi


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With the development of ocean exploration technology and the rapid growth in the amount of marine science observation data, people are faced with a great challenge to identify valuable data from the massive ocean observation data. A recommendation system is an effective method to improve retrieval capabilities to help users obtain valuable data. The two most popular recommendation algorithms are collaborative filtering algorithms and content-based filtering algorithms, which may not work well for marine science observation data given the complexity of data attributes and lack of user information. In this study, an approach was proposed based on data similarity and data correlation. Data similarity was calculated by analyzing the subject, source, spatial, and temporal attributes to obtain the recommendation list. Then, data correlation was calculated based on the literature on marine science data and ranking of the recommendation list to obtain the re-rank recommendation list. The approach was tested by simulated datasets collected from multiple marine data sharing websites, and the result suggested that the proposed method exhibits better effectiveness.
recommendation system,marine science observation data,content-based filtering algorithm,spatial-temporal data
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