Quantitative analysis of major components of mineral particulate matter by calibration free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy


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The composition of atmospheric aerosols (particulate matter - PM) has been studied through the quantification of major elements in filter samples by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). After the collection of PM on over quartz filters, the samples were directly analyzed without the need of wet chemistry. The spectral analysis was performed by calibration free method (CF-LIBS), which also avoids using calibration standards. The major mineral elements found in PM10, and PM2.5 samples were Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Na and Si. Furthermore, elements such as C, 0 and H, which form part of the organic matter and/or water, were also identified and quantified. In addition to CF-LIBS fastness and feasibility, it has been demonstrated that CF-LIBS is a complementary technique for the characterization of PM.
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Key words
LIBS,Atmospheric aerosol,Particulate matter,Calibration-free LIBS
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