Effect of Bio-Enzymatic Preparation on Water Quality in Ponds and on Quantity and Quality of Fishpond Sediments

Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis(2020)

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of a bacterial-enzymatic preparation to affect water quality, particularly the composition and the amount of sediments in ponds. The PTP Plus preparation was applied during the year 2016. For evaluation of the possible effects of the preparation, the water and sediment was compared in the growing seasons 2016 and 2017. When monitoring the sediment loss, a difference ranging from 72 to 86 mm was measured. There was an increase in the level of conductivity, alongside with an increase in the amount of calcium and chlorides in the water. In the case of the sediment, there was an increase in the amount of organic substances in the aqueous leachate and a decrease in the amount of available and total calcium. Changes of other monitored parameters were not so clear. The significant changes in water and sediment quality in the individual years of monitoring were probably more influenced by climatic conditions and significant growth of macrophytes in 2017 than by the application of the product. The expected reduction of the share of organic matter in the sediments after the application of the product has not been confirmed.
phosphorus,organic matter,bacteria
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