Case Report: Sarcoidosis with azygos vein enlargement mimicking metastatic cancer


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Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease with heterogeneous clinical manifestations that is characterized histologically by the presence of noncaseating granulomas in the affected organs. It can be a diagnostic challenge, especially when mimicking malignancy or fungal infections. Previous case reports of sarcoidosis presenting with multiple masses are highly suggestive of infectious or malignant etiology.  In this case, our patient presented with enlarged lymph node and was found to have innumerable nodules in the mediastinum, lungs, and liver. Azygos vein enlargement was also seen on radiological imaging, and malignancy was highly suspected; hence, an extensive workup was conducted, including laboratory, radiology and biopsy evaluation, which were diagnostic of sarcoidosis. Our case showed the importance of correlation of the history, physical examination, radiological and histopathologic studies in confirming the diagnosis and the need to rule out other serious infections and malignancies, especially with azygous vein enlargement, which can sometimes be missed in chest radiograph.
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sarcoidosis,azygos vein enlargement,cancer
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