Statistical and Fourier analysis of the vortex dynamics of fluids in an external magnetic field

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry(2020)

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For the first time, we perform comprehensive statistical and Fourier analysis (both spatial and temporal) of the vortex dynamics of fluids near a magnetized ferromagnetic surface under electrochemical etching and effect of an external magnetic field resulting in autocatalytic formation of spatiotemporal vortex structures. The used experimental technique allows avoiding any distortions in the nature of the reaction. By using the proposed methods of analysis, we obtain integral and time dependences of the frequency distributions of the motion of fluids over the volume of the medium under investigation. As a result of the statistical analysis, the areas with the most intense motion of reaction products are detected. We perform the analysis of the dynamics of these areas during the electrochemical reaction. By means of 1D and 2D Fourier transforms, we determine the characteristic time, spatial frequencies and the characteristic sizes of the optical inhomogeneities that occur during the electrochemical reaction.
Magnetoelectrochemistry,Electrochemical reaction,Ferromagnetic surface,Vortex dynamics,Statistical analysis,Fourier transform
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