Influence of plants on soil mites (Acari, Oribatida) in gardens

Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica(2020)

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The research of the influence of crops on the species diversity of oribatid mites in garden within the small farmer conditions was carried out in four different microhabitats - carrots, beans (broad beans), onions and tomatoes. Soil samples on each crop were analysed and compared - determined the soil nutrient content and specific elements, continuously recorded the soil temperature, humidity, climate and microclimate relations were also followed within the research, as well as X-ray spectrometric analysis of the soil was done. Chemical elements have no significant impact on soil fauna. Annual average of 563 ind. per square metres and was reported in the microhabitat of beans, while 167 ind. per square metres in carrots, only. Under the broad bean, the highest abundance and species richness and highest species diversity of oribatids was confirmed and seemed to closely connect with the microclimate conditions of this crop. Tectocepheus velatus sarekensis Trägårdh, 1910, Zetomimus furcatus Pearce & Warburton, 1905, Steganacarus striculus C.L.Koch, 1836 and Protoribates capucinus Berlese, 1908 seem to be tolerant oribatids, which were confirmed in every microhabitats of the garden. On the contrary, some oribatids occurred in one crop only and specify it. Differences in soil temperature and humidity under plants as well as the type of crops affected occurrence of species spectrum and their abundance. In farm garden, we found two rare species of oribatids; the second records for the fauna of Slovakia - Corynoppia kosarovi (Jeleva, 1962) and Mesoplophora pulchra Sellnick, 1928.
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