Increase antibiotic exposure among infants with concern for chorioamnionitis based on isolated maternal fever


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Background: Neonatal outcome hinges on maternal risk factors during pregnancy and delivery. Chorioamnionitis increases the risk of early onset sepsis (EOS) in newborns. Clinical criteria for the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis include maternal fever \u003e100.4oF and two of the following - maternal leukocytosis \u003e15,000 cells/mm3, maternal tachycardia \u003e100 beats/minute, fetal tachycardia \u003e160 beats/minute, uterine tenderness, purulent fluid from the cervical os. Chorioamnionitis had been considered even with isolated maternal fever which can be associated with epidural anesthesia, dehydration, and the use of prostaglandin E2 for induction of labor. The purpose of …
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Key words
maternal fever,antibiotic exposure,chorioamnionitis,infants
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