Monocular positioning of sweet peppers: An instance segmentation approach for harvest robots

Cheng Chen,Bo Li, Jiaxiang Liu, Tong Bao,Ni Ren


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Accurate positioning of fruit is a key issue that has attracted much attention in the field of harvest robots. The complex environment and close proximity make the perception of dense crops in greenhouses a challenging problem. Different from various solutions proposed involving special equipment or other auxiliary information, we propose a novel positioning approach based on instance segmentation using a monocular RGB camera. To achieve high position accuracy, we first design a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) in a multi-task framework to export a binary segmentation map and an embedded feature map. To solve the problem of performance degradation in the intersection-over-union (IoU) for the binary segmentation task caused by multi-task optimisation, the encoder part of our network is redesigned on the basis of a Visual Geometry Group network with 16 convolutional layers (VGG-16). Then, mean-shift clustering is used to achieve instance segmentation. Finally, a contour-finding algorithm is presented for outlining fruit without the help of any contextual information. Based on these contours, the five fruits with the largest contour areas are selected as the targets for positioning. We verify our method on a public sweet pepper dataset and achieve competitive results. Divided by the radius of the fruit, the average position error for the first target in the harvesting order is 0.18, which shows that our method outperforms the semantic segmentation method. For the first five targets in the harvesting order, this index is less than 0.3 on average, similar to that of the semantic segmentation method with only one target output. (C) 2020 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Harvesting robots,Positioning,Instance segmentation,Multi-task network,Convolutional neural network
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