Machine learning algorithms to empower Indian women entrepreneur in E-commerce clothing

2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)(2020)

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Social media has become the hub for sharing and communicating the information among people. Due to increase in popularity of social media, it led the people to share the information through the internet. Thus, it helps to understand and predict user behavior in social media platforms, where it helps the entrepreneurs to understand improve the quality of the products or services they offered. It also helps them to understand the requirements of customers in better way. In this research paper, SVM and REPTree classifiers are used to classify the customer reviews on women clothing e-commerce, whether to recommend the product or not. The classifier performances are evaluated using accuracy, precision and recall parameters. REPTree outperforms SVM and achieves highest classification accuracy of 91.43% with precision and recall values as 93.75% and 96.04% respectively.
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classification,SVM,women clothing,e-commerce,REPTree
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