Fragmentos do discurso de um samba no asfalto


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From the samba story Historia pra ninar gente grande (in Portuguese), from Estacao Primeira de Mangueira at the 2019 carnival, we aim to observe a reversal of the senses stabilized as evident by an official history of Brazil about some proper names of women. The power of the samba and carnival parade senses produces displacements and opens up other ways of (re) telling our history, inside out, through the restricted spaces left over from the processes of political, economic and cultural domination. To this end, as a way of observing the movement of the senses in and through the discourses, we gathered a set of photographs that were collected on the digital network and in samba statements and stood out in allegories and sayings that jumped from the avenue to the media, in particular, for cyberspace. Our function, therefore, is to analyze some moments of the parade discursively, based on what Michel Pecheux formulated, considering the role of women and their cry of resistance against a deep-seated prejudice / racism / misogyny. To the streets, they open their voices and show (d) effects of a contemporary society still immersed in utopia.
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