Oocyte Maturation: Events that support subsequent stages of development

Archivos De Zootecnia(2020)

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espanolA competencia de desenvolvimento do oocito ha estadio embrionario avancado e dependente das transformacoes ocorridas durante a maturacao oocitaria. Em bovino a maturacao oocitaria in vivo inicia-se na fase que precede a ovulacao e e caracterizada por uma serie de mudancas morfologicas, moleculares e bioquimicas no oocito e nas celulas somaticas que o envolvem. Estas mudancas vao tornar o oocito apto a ser fecundado e ter um desenvolvimento embrionario subsequente. Esta revisao enfoca os principios basicos da maturacao nuclear e citoplasmatica de oocitos, atraves dos quais eles adquirem competencia meiotica e capacidade para o subsequente desenvolvimento embrionario. EnglishThe competence of oocytes to develop to an advanced embryonic stage is dependent on the transformations that occur during oocyte maturation. In bovines, oocyte maturation begins in the phase that precedes ovulation and it is characterized by a series of morphological, molecular, and biochemical changes in the oocyte and somatic cells that surround it. These changes prepare the oocyte for fertilization and subsequent embryonic development. This review focuses on the basic principles in the nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes through which they acquire meiotic competence and the ability for subsequent embryonic development.
Oocyte Maturation,Embryo Development,Podocyte Development
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