Positively Mindful: A Mixed Method Feasibility Study of Mindfulness Meditation for People Living with HIV in the UK

European Journal of Integrative Medicine(2020)

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Abstract Introduction Mindfulness meditation (MM) may be an effective self-management strategy for people living with HIV; no such research has yet been conducted in the UK. The study aim was to assess the feasibility and acceptability of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a course in MM, for PLWH in the UK. Methods Positively Mindful was the first UK study to explore MM in a sample of PLWH. The study was a mixed method feasibility study (n = 22) of MBSR for PLWH. Participants were randomised to MBSR (n = 16) or a waiting-list control (n = 6). Feasibility was assessed using questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and by analysing study management data. Outcomes included perceived stress, blood pressure, pulse, salivary cortisol, quality of life, symptomatology, affect, and medication adherence. Data was analysed statistically and thematically. Results We recruited n = 22 of a targeted n = 45; referrals were low but consent rate was high (76%). Both patients and staff identified an unmet need for psychosocial care options for PLWH; MM may address this need. Data demonstrated that MBSR and trial processes could be feasible and acceptable although optimisations should be made. Intention-to-treat analysis suggested improvements in perceived stress (-1.75; p = 0.204; d = 0.29), systolic blood pressure (-0.93 mmHg; p = 0.566), physical wellbeing (+0.55; p = 0.775), social wellbeing (+2.40; p = 0.053; d = 0.3), cognitive functioning (+0.75; p = 0.256; d = 0.3), and number (-5.5 symptoms; p = 0.123) \u0026 severity of symptoms (-8.0 severity; p = 0.293). Conclusions MBSR could be feasible, acceptable, and potentially effective for PLWH in the UK; however, strategies for optimising recruitment and adherence should be employed in future research.
Mindfulness,meditation,feasibility,acceptability,HIV,mixed method,complex intervention
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