
A Prototype Therapy System for Boiling Histotripsy in Abdominal Targets Based on a 256-Element Spiral Array

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control(2021)

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Boiling histotripsy (BH) uses millisecond-long ultrasound (US) pulses with high-amplitude shocks to mechanically fractionate tissue with potential for real-time lesion monitoring by US imaging. For BH treatments of abdominal organs, a high-power multielement phased array system capable of electronic focus steering and aberration correction for body wall inhomogeneities is needed. In this work, a preclinical BH system was built comprising a custom 256-element 1.5-MHz phased array (Imasonic, Besancon, France) with a central opening for mounting an imaging probe. The array was electronically matched to a Verasonics research US system with a 1.2-kW external power source. Driving electronics and software of the system were modified to provide a pulse average acoustic power of 2.2 kW sustained for 10 ms with a 1-2-Hz repetition rate for delivering BH exposures. System performance was characterized by hydrophone measurements in water combined with nonlinear wave simulations based on the Westervelt equation. Fully developed shocks of 100-MPa amplitude are formed at the focus at 275-W acoustic power. Electronic steering capabilities of the array were evaluated for shock-producing conditions to determine power compensation strategies that equalize BH exposures at multiple focal locations across the planned treatment volume. The system was used to produce continuous volumetric BH lesions in ex vivo bovine liver with 1-mm focus spacing, 10-ms pulselength, five pulses/focus, and 1% duty cycle.
Ultrasonic imaging,Acoustics,Electric shock,Lesions,Sonar equipment,Transducers,Spirals,Boiling histotripsy (BH),high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU),nonlinear waves,shock front,tight packing non-periodic phased array,Westervelt equation
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