Her2 Mutated And Nonmutated Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinomas Can Harbor Heterogeneous Her2 Gene Amplification And Her2 Protein Expression


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Molecular analyses have become mandatory for treatment choices in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). Among them, HER2 gene mutation, HER2 gene amplification, and HER2 protein expression consist in potential targets of various treatments. Tumor heterogeneity and overlapping of molecular alterations may cause dilemmas in treatment choices but to date there are few that reported about HER2 with discrepant data. We led a retrospective study evaluating HER2 protein expression and HER2 gene/chromosome 17 copy number variations across different tumor areas and samples from patients with advanced NSCLC harboring HER2 gene mutations and other oncogenic mutations. Among patients with HER2-mutated (10 patients) and nonmutated lung adenocarcinomas (10 patients), we observed frequent heterogeneous HER2 protein expression with no correlation with HER2 gene copy number variations. HER2 gene amplification was observed in 6 patients (3 HER2-mutated and 3 HER2-nonmutated), but with intrasample heterogeneity in 2 cases and intersample heterogeneity in another case. Our small case series emphasizes the potential overlapping and spatial heterogeneity of HER2 alterations in NSCLC, which must be taken into account as a limitation in building predictive strategies accompanying the development of anti-HER2 therapeutic strategies in patients with advanced NSCLC.
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non, small cell lung carcinoma, HER2 mutation, immunohistochemistry, HER2 amplification, tumor heterogeneity
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