How to recover lost vaccine acceptance? A multi-center survey on HPV vaccine acceptance in Japan.

Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy(2020)

引用 13|浏览16
BACKGROUND:The plummeting acceptance rate of the HPV vaccine in Japan is one of the most disappointing vaccine-related events in recent times. Since 2013, the national HPV vaccine coverage rate fell from more than 70% to less than 1%. This survey investigated parental HPV vaccine acceptance and the factors that influence it. METHODS:A multi-center survey was conducted in eight hospitals in Nara prefecture, Japan, from July 2019 to March 2020. Parents were asked to answer a series of questions in a survey that included information on the HPV vaccine. RESULTS:Among the 1884 parents who answered the questionnaire, 21.8% indicated that they had accepted the HPV vaccine even before reading the information provided in the questionnaire. The overall acceptance rate after everyone had read the information increased to 50.2% (p < 0.001). Among those who still did not accept the vaccine after reading the information (N = 925), 26.7% indicated that they might change their mind if more vaccine safety reports were to appear in the mass media; other potentially influencing factors were direct communication from health care providers (35.1%), a recommendation by government (19.5%), and peer behavior (16.8%). CONCLUSION:The study showed that providing appropriate medical information significantly improves HPV vaccine acceptance. To reverse the loss of HPV vaccine acceptance in Japan, a multi-discipline approach that includes the mass media, health care providers, the government and the general population will be needed.
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