Confined community health: Reflections and experiences from the local public health

Andrea Bastida,Nuria Calzada, Ferran Daban,Elia Diez,Ana Fernandez, Neus Ferrer, Raquel Gallardo,Irene Garcia Subirats,Inmaculada Gonzalez,Kilian Gonzalez, Olga Juarez,Nuria Lopez,Silvia Martin,Daniel Moreno,Mar Oriol,Gemma Paez, Maribel Pasarin,Esperanza Peracho,Victoria Porthe,Vanessa Puig-Barrachina,Pilar Ramos, Cristina Rey, Yolanda Robles, Natalia Sagarra, Isabel Sala, Maria Salvador-Piedrafita, Francesca Sanchez,Nabila Sanchez,Noelia Vazquez

Revista Espanola De Salud Publica(2020)

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This paper aims to share the reflections related to the community actions in which the Agencia de Salut Publica de Barcelona has been involved during the emergency of COVID-19. The tasks carried out can he arranged in three stages, frequently overlapping: detection of needs and problems; contact with key stakeholders to assess what to do and how to do it; adaptation of the interventions to the "new normal" and generation of new responses. The emerging problems included: not being able to do the confinement (due to homelessness, material conditions, living in a situation of violence); digital gap (lack of knowledge, devices, access to Wifi); greater exposure to COVID-19 in the essential but precarious, feminized and racialized jobs (care, cleaning, food shops) that are the most frequent in the neighborhoods in where we stork; language and cultural barriers that preclude to follow recommendations; to lose employment; insufficient income to cover basic needs; social isolation; and the deterioration of emotional health caused by the situation. During the process, some interventions were adapted to be delivered on-line. Solidarity networks and local resources were key to meet basic needs, but also other needs related to lack of digital knowledge or device. Community action in health, from a critical, intersectional and local perspective, and with intersectoral work and community participation. can contribute to: facilitate a contextualized response in the event of a health crisis; mitigate the effects derived from its economic and social crisis.
Community health,COVID-19,Intersectoral work,Participation
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