Evaluation of Deep Learning for Detection of Fluorescent Spots in Real Data


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Quantitative microscopy deals with the extraction of quantitative measurements from samples observed under a microscope. Recent developments in microscopy systems, sample preparation and handling techniques have enabled high throughput biological experiments resulting in large amounts of image data, at biological scales ranging from subcellular structures such as fluorescently tagged nucleic acid sequences to whole organisms such as zebrafish embryos. Consequently, methods and algorithms for automated quantitative analysis of these images have become increasingly important. These methods range from traditional image analysis techniques to use of deep learning architectures.Many biomedical microscopy assays result in fluorescent spots. Robust detection and precise localization of these spots are two important, albeit sometimes overlapping, areas for application of quantitative image analysis. We demonstrate the use of popular deep learning architectures for spot detection and compare them against more traditional parametric model-based approaches. Moreover, we quantify the effect of pre-training and change in the size of training sets on detection performance. Thereafter, we determine the potential of training deep networks on synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets and their comparison with networks trained on manually annotated real data. In addition, we present a two-alternative forced-choice based tool for assisting in manual annotation of real image data. On a spot localization track, we parallelize a popular compressed sensing based localization method and evaluate its performance in conjunction with different …
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