The Gender of COVID-19 Experts in Newspaper Articles: a Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study

Research Square(2021)

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Background Pre-existing gender-based disparities in academia may have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Being cited as an expert source in newspaper articles about COVID-19 may increase an individual’s research or leadership profile. In addition, visibility in a newspaper article is an important component of representation in academia. Objective To determine whether women were underrepresented as COVID-19 expert sources in print newspapers in the USA. Design We undertook a cross-sectional study of English-language newspaper articles that addressed the COVID-19 pandemic and that were published in the top 10 most widely read newspapers in the USA between April 1 and April 15, 2020. Main Measures We extracted the names of all people cited as expert sources and categorized the gender of each expert source based on pronoun usage within the article or on a business, university, or organization website. The professional role of each expert was assigned based on their description in the article. Key Results Of 2297 expert sources identified, 35.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] 33.9–37.8%; n = 824) were women and 63.7% were men (95% CI 61.8–65.7%; n = 1464). This result was similar when considering unique experts in each newspaper and for all included newspapers; of the 1738 unique experts per newspaper, 34.6% were women (95% CI 32.3–36.8%; n = 601), and of the 1593 unique experts in all newspapers, 36.5% were women (95% CI 34.1–38.9%; n = 581). Of articles with multiple experts referenced ( n = 374), 102 cited only men experts (27.3%) and 44 cited only women experts (11.8%). Women were underrepresented as experts as Healthcare Workers and Professionals, Non-STEM Experts, Public Health Leaders, and STEM Scientists. There were no differences in the proportion of women experts between newspapers or between different regions of the USA. Conclusions Altogether, our findings support that men academics outnumber women as COVID-19 experts in newspaper articles.
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Key words
gender-based disparities, COVID-19 pandemic, expertise
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