
Worldwide Trend Analysis and Potential Spread Prediction of SARS-CoV-2

Research Square(2020)

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Abstract Covid-19 declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation on January 30, 2020, is a major disaster which shook the roots of almost all the economies around the globe. The outbreak began in a city of China, Wuhan majorly due to consumption of bats during December. The symptoms, the ways of spreading of infection are quite similar to that of influenza. The areas with higher pollution levels of particulate matter have reported a higher number of deaths as compared to the number of deaths in the cases from comparatively less polluted areas. The meteorological factors have also played a major role in the extent of spread of disease and the ability of humans living in the area to fight against the disease. Social distancing and lockdown all over the nation have proved to be major weapons to fight against the further spread of disease. The lockdown, on the other hand, has given relief from the high levels of pollution resulting in good air quality and clean rivers. This study focuses on the spread of the novel coronavirus all over the world with the trend in the number of confirmed cases, deaths and the cured from the onset and also highlighting the situations in five countries. The study further gives a prediction of the number of cases for ten days and correlates the values with the actual number of cases reported and throws light on the future aspects of the infection.
potential spread prediction,trend,sars-cov
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