Practical approach to COVID-19: an Egyptian pediatric consensus

Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette(2020)

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Background Outbreak of a novel corona virus was reported in China on December 2019. Sooner, a global spread was reported and WHO announced a public health emergency of international concern and then declared it as a pandemic. Egypt announced the first case on February 14, 2020, and since that time, cases are increasing. Main body There is increasing need to simplify the practical approach for pediatricians and other health care workers in a step wise manner; how to deal with COVID-19 cases, how to care for the newborn babies as regards to breastfeeding, and how to ensure safety of health care workers assess their risk of infection and management accordingly. A national practical approach guideline was prepared including case definition, diagnosis, and management of pediatric COVID-19 suspected and confirmed cases in an algorithmic pattern. Conclusion Up to the current knowledge, this is a simple and practical guidance for clinical management of children during the current pandemic.
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Key words
COVID-19, Pandemic, Egyptian, Health care worker, Breastfeeding, Pediatrics
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