SCADA-based Message Generator for Multi-Vendor Smart Grids: Integration and Verification of TASE.2

2020 12th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)(2020)

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This paper describes a system for generating messages according to the sets of standards IEC 60870-6 (ICCP/TASE.2). Particular attention is paid to messages exchanged between the power grid nodes and control centers. We discussed the typical grid network architecture and communication strategies. On this basis, we proposed and implemented the software to simulate real TASE.2 system operation in two different communication modes. The architecture of the designed generator is described in detail, including methods to ensure high-performance and scalability. The system supports the cryptographic security of the generated traffic. The proposed generator allows users to perform the complex testing and verification of the TASE.2 network nodes configuration, including the testing of connection to the related system such as message brokers and analytics tools. Due to the high performance and scalability of the proposed generator, it is possible to perform the stress testing of these systems.
IEC 60870-6,TASE.2,traffic generator,stress testing,Apache JMeter,SCADA
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