Pointwise Universal Gysin formulae and Applications towards Griffiths' conjecture

Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Classe di scienze(2023)

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Let $X$ be a complex manifold, $(E,h)\to X$ be a rank $r$ holomorphic hermitian vector bundle, and $\rho$ be a sequence of dimensions $0 = \rho_0 < \rho_1 < \cdots < \rho_m = r$. Let $Q_{\rho,j}$, $j=1,\dots,m$, be the tautological line bundles over the (possibly incomplete) flag bundle $\mathbb{F}_{\rho}(E) \to X$ associated to $\rho$, endowed with the natural metrics induced by that of $E$, with Chern curvatures $\Xi_{\rho,j}$. We show that the universal Gysin formula \textsl{\`{a} la} Darondeau--Pragacz for the push-forward of a homogeneous polynomial in the Chern classes of the $Q_{\rho,j}$'s also hold pointwise at the level of the Chern forms $\Xi_{\rho,j}$ in this hermitianized situation. As an application, we show the positivity of several polynomials in the Chern forms of a Griffiths (semi)positive vector bundle not previously known, thus giving some new evidences towards a conjecture by Griffiths, which in turn can be seen as a pointwise hermitianized version of the Fulton--Lazarsfeld Theorem on numerically positive polynomials for ample vector bundles.
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