A Real-Time Based Platform for Integrating Power-to-Gas in Electrical Distribution Grids

2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)(2020)

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The high share of renewable energy sources in electrical distribution is posing several challenges in guaranteeing the proper distribution system operation. In fact, different issues can arise, affecting either the network constraints, or creating the inversion of the power flow. The latter problem (known as reverse power flow) impacts both on the effectiveness of the protection systems of the distribution grids and on the operation of the transmission system as well (due to its non-controllability). Currently, this issue is solved by cutting the renewable generation; however, this is not acceptable anymore in a vision based on the exploitation of green energy sources. In this article, the power-to-gas technology is considered as possible response on this problem. The technology has been integrated in a new distribution system tool based on the exploitation on a real-time simulation platform. The case study shows good results in terms of network performance (in terms of losses, reverse power flow, self-sufficienty and self-consumption).
Renewable Energy Integration,Balance Load Optimization,Power-to-Gas,Real Time Simulation Tool,Automatic Cases Creation
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