Sensorimotor hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease


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Hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease (PD) are one of the most disturbing non-motor symptoms, affect half of the patients, and constitute a major risk factor for adverse clinical outcomes such as psychosis and dementia. Here we report a robotics-based approach, enabling the induction of a specific clinically-relevant hallucination (presence hallucination, PH) under controlled experimental conditions and the characterization of a PD subgroup with enhanced sensorimotor sensitivity for such robot-induced PH. Using MR-compatible robotics in healthy participants and lesion network mapping analysis in neurological non-PD patients, we identify a fronto-temporal network that was associated with PH. This common PH-network was selectively disrupted in a new and independent sample of PD patients and predicted the presence of symptomatic PH. These robotics-neuroimaging findings determine the behavioral and neural mechanisms of PH and reveal pathological cortical sensorimotor processes of PH in PD, identifying a more severe form of PD associated with psychosis and cognitive decline.
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Parkinson&#x2019,s disease,Hallucinations,Sensorimotor,fMRI,Cognitive decline
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