CYCA3;4 Is a Post-Prophase Target of the APC/CCCS52A2 E3-Ligase Controlling Formative Cell Divisions in Arabidopsis


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The Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) controls unidirectional progression through the cell cycle by marking key cell cycle proteins for proteasomal turnover. Its activity is temporally regulated by the docking of different activating subunits, known in plants as CDC20 and CCS52. Despite the importance of the APC/C during cell proliferation, the number of identified targets in the plant cell cycle is limited. Here, we used the growth and meristem phenotypes of Arabidopsis CCS52A2-deficient plants in a suppressor mutagenesis screen to identify APC/CCCS52A2 substrates or regulators, resulting in the identification of a mutant cyclin CYCA3;4 allele. CYCA3;4 deficiency partially rescues the early ccs52a2-1 phenotypes, whereas increased CYCA3;4 levels enhances them. Furthermore, whereas CYCA3;4 proteins are promptly broken down after prophase in wild-type plants, they remain present in later stages of mitosis in ccs52a2-1 mutant plants, marking them as APC/CCCS52A2 substrates. Strikingly, CYCA3;4 overexpression results in aberrant root meristem and stomatal divisions, mimicking phenotypes of plants with reduced RBR1 activity. Correspondingly, RBR1 hyperphosphorylation was observed in CYCA3;4-overproducing plants. Our data thus demonstrate that an inability to timely destroy CYCA3;4 attributes to disorganized formative divisions, likely in part caused by the inactivation of RBR1. ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY Timely post-prophase breakdown of the Arabidopsis cyclin CYCA3;4 by the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome is essential for meristem organization and development.
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