Vascular smooth muscle-derived TRPV1-expressing progenitors are a new source of cold-induced thermogenic adipocytes


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Brown adipose tissue (BAT) functions in energy expenditure in part due its role in thermoregulation. The prominent capacity of BAT to enhance fuel utilization and energy expenditure makes it an attractive target for treating obesity and metabolic disorders. Prolonged cold exposure induces recruitment of brown adipocytes and activates their thermogenic activity. However, the exact source of cold-induced brown adipocytes is not completely understood. In this study, we sought to investigate the cellular origin of cold-induced brown adipocytes using single-cell RNA sequencing. We identified two distinct types of adipocyte progenitors that contribute to recruitment of brown adipocytes in response to cold challenge. One is the previously known Pdgfra-expressing mesenchymal progenitors and the other is a vascular smooth muscle-derived adipocyte progenitor (VSM-APC) population, which expresses the temperature-sensitive ion channel transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (Trpv1). Using flow cytometry and lineage tracing, we demonstrated that the Trpv1 VSM-APCs were indeed distinct from the Pdgfra progenitors and could contribute to brown adipocytes with greater thermogenic potential. Together, these findings illustrate a landscape of thermogenic adipose niche at the single cell resolution and identify a new cellular origin for the development of brown adipocytes.
thermogenic adipocytes,muscle-derived,cold-induced
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