Novel class of OTU deubiquitinases regulate substrate ubiquitination upon Legionella infection


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is a gram-negative pathogenic bacterium that causes Legionaries’ disease. The genome codes more than 300 effector proteins able to modulate host-pathogen interactions during infection. Among them are also enzymes altering the host-ubiquitination system including bacterial ligases and deubiquitinases. In this study, based on homology-detection screening on 305 effector proteins, we identified two U-like deubiquitinases (; LotB (Lpg1621/Ceg23) and LotC (Lpg2529), LotA (Lpg2248/Lem21) is already known). A crystal structure of LotC catalytic core (LotC14-310) was determined at 2.4 Å and compared with other OTU deubiquitinases, including LotB. Unlike the classical OTU-family, the structures of OTU-family (LotB and LotC) shows an extended helical lobe between the Cys-loop and the variable loop, which define a novel class of OTU-deubiquitinase. Despite structural differences in their helical lobes, both LotB and LotC interact with ubiquitin. LotB has an additional ubiquitin binding site (S1’) enabling specific cleavage of Lys63-linked poly-ubiquitin chains. By contrast, LotC only contains the S1 site and cleaves different species of ubiquitin chains. MS analysis of catalytically inactive LotB and LotC identified different categories of host-substrates for these two related DUBs. Together, our results provide new structural insights of bacterial OTU deubiquitinases and indicate distinct roles of bacterial deubiquitinases in host-pathogen interactions.
bacterial deubiquitinase,<italic>Legionella pneumophila</italic>,effector proteins,OTU-deubiquitinases,ubiquitin
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