Implementation of the Vondrak's smoothing in the combination of results of different space geodesy techniques


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Four space geodesy techniques, namely VLBI, GPS, SLR and Doris, produce Earth orientation parameters (EOP) and station coordinates independently of each other. A method to combine them in a non-rigorous way (as described elsewhere) was modified by implementing Vondrak's smoothing. It replaces a simple constraint to tie EOP at adjacent epochs by a more general expression defining smoothness of the resulting curves. This gives the method better stability of derived EOP. The new method was tested on GPS, VLBI and SLR data covering a one-year interval. The results were compared with the results of the original method and with the IERS c04 solution. The former indicates the effect of modification while the latter shows differences of this particular solution from the official IERS series.
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Key words
earth orientation parameters,combination of space geodesy techniques,Vondrak's smoothing
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