Fertility Disorders in Obese Patients - the Role of Thermal Station Therapy


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Obesity is a metabolic disorder that causes a number of complications within the cardiovascular system, movement system, respiratory system, and the liver. It also triggers type 2 diabetes, gout, and many other diseases. Metabolic diseases caused by visceral obesity are included in the metabolic syndrome definition. Apart from gynecologists, one rarely speaks and writes about fertility disorders caused by obesity. Meanwhile, research studies indicate that treatment of obesity-related fertility disorders should be almost always started from the treatment of obesity. In addition, other already implemented methods of promoting fertility will be more effective if weight reduction is taken into account. Obesity impairs fertility in women and men. The adipose tissue produces many hormones that interfere with the menstrual cycle and normal ovulation in women. In obese men, the value of sperm is reduced, and the number and mobility of spermatozoa are reduced. Therefore, treating obesity in both sexes in the reproductive age is essential. Thermal station treatment that deals with chronic diseases can be actively involved in this problem. During this treatment, not only the reduction of body fat is obtained, but above all changes in the patients' lifestyle are made as a result of comprehensive health education. The applied balneological treatment improves the blood supply to the pelvic organs, decreases the level of stress and improves physical fitness. In the long-term observation, the results obtained during thermal station treatment not only improve fertility, but also allow to avoid miscarriages and get better healthiness of future parents.
obesity,fertility disorders,thermal station treatment
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