Company Annual Report conceptual creator and author

Janice Denoncourt, M Adams, M Oleksak, A Admati, M Hellwig, F Aguilar, K Ahmed, JK Courtis, L Alcaniz, F Gomez-Bezares, R Roslender,CN Albu, N Albu, D Alexander,CN Albu, VM Ra˘ zvan, D Allsebrook, S Maestre, Spencer E Ante, JA Arnold, P Moizer, R Arnold, LAF Bently, E Derclaye, GB Dinwoodie, S Arping, Z Sautner, A Arundel, I Kabla, P Atrill, E McLaney, M Baddeley, G Baltussen, AV Bannerjee, J Barkley Rosser, R Beatty, T Beck,A Demirguc-Kunt, R Levine, P Bennett, L Holzman, R Hanlon, D Sobel,AN Berger, WS Frame,NH Miller,AN Berger,GF Udell, A Berges, MF Guillen, JP Moreno, E Ontiveros, PL Bernstein, M Bezant, R Punt,H Bhattacharya,SF Biggs,JC Bedard, BG Gaber,TJ Linsmeier, N Binctin, G Bonnet, N Binctin, MM Blair, SMH Wallman, N Bontis, R Bootle, D Bornstein, K Bradley, F Bravo, D Breznitz, A Brookings, MD Bunn, GT Savage, BB Holloway, V Burr, B Cain, J Marshall, L Canibano, M Covarsi, M Sanchez, V Chhaochharia, Y Grinstein, D Clarkson, M Cohen, G Coren, A Cowley, A Swaffield, S Crompton, HD Crosse, R Cull, E Lance, NR Davis, J Lamoreaux-Rosenthal, S Dalgano, S Das, A Davis, J Denoncourt, T Kono,J DeRuiter, P Holston, L Deszo, G Loewenstein, F Di Giantomasso,T Donaldson,LE Preston, C Donegan, W Dutton, E Helsper, W Ebke, L Eccles, L Edvinsson, M Malone, D Edwards, H Ernst, N Ferguson, C Fink, JH Flack, M Forsythe, H Sanderson, HG Frankfurt, WR Frederick, CB Frey, James Fulcher, R Furneaux, R Kaye, M Holah, P Bicknall, JF Garrett, S Garvey, R Ghafele, RJ Gilson, J Gitomer, WN Goetzmann, P Graham, R Griffith, H Miller, M O’Connell, J-E Gröjer, U Johansson, B Grossfeld

Intellectual Property, Finance and Corporate Governance(2018)

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This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book focuses on the impact of corporate governance on corporate Intellectual Property (IP) assets. It identifies the Technology Readiness Level system which is widely used in the technology sector. The book also identifies precisely why core accounting principles have their limitations – they were never designed to account for the value creation power of IP rights. It discusses the Intellectual Capital reporting approach that has its origins in Denmark. The book also discusses the key factor for determining disclosure by public companies is the "materiality" principle, which essentially acts as a filtering standard, and is integral to our modern corporate governance regime. It examines certain aspects of disclosure and accountability principles evolving in Denmark, Germany, Japan and the US. The book …
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