Feedback That Helps Trainees Learn to Practice Without Supervision.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges(2021)

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Feedback pedagogies and research tend to focus on immediate corrective actions rather than learning for the longer term. This approach means that feedback may not support trainees who are managing complex, competing, and ambiguous practice situations, often with limited supervision. There is an opportunity to consider how feedback can help medical trainees sustain their own development into the future, including when they have completed formal training. This article explores how feedback pedagogies can facilitate medical trainees' abilities to develop challenging aspects of practice across multiple clinical environments to eventually practice without supervision. From a sociocultural perspective, clinical training takes place within a practice curriculum; each clinical environment offers varying opportunities, which the trainees may choose to engage with. The authors propose feedback as an interpersonal process that helps trainees make sense of both formal training requirements and performance relevant information, including workplace cues such as patient outcomes or colleagues' comments, found within any practice curriculum. A significant pedagogic strategy may be to develop trainees' evaluative judgment or their capability to identify and appraise the qualities of good practice in both themselves and others. In this way, feedback processes may help trainees surmount complex situations and progressively gain independence from supervision.
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