Asymmetric Information Acquisition Games

2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)(2020)

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We consider a stochastic game with partial, asymmetric and non-classical information, where the agents are trying to acquire as many available opportunities/locks as possible. Agents have access only to local information, the information updates are asynchronous and our aim is to obtain relevant equilibrium policies. Our approach is to consider optimal open-loop control until the information update, which allows managing the belief updates in a structured manner. The agents continuously control the rates of their Poisson search clocks to acquire the locks, and they get rewards at every successful acquisition; an acquisition is successful if all the previous stages are successful and if the agent is the first one to complete. However, none of them have access to the acquisition status of the other agents, leading to an asymmetric information game. Using standard tools of optimal control theory and Markov decision process (MDP) we solved a bilevel control problem; every stage of the dynamic programming equation of the MDP is solved using optimal control tools. We finally reduced the game with an infinite number of states and infinite-dimensional actions to a finite state game with onedimensional actions. We provided closed-form expressions for Nash Equilibrium in some special cases and derived asymptotic expressions for some more.
asymmetric information acquisition games,stochastic game,nonclassical information,local information,information update,relevant equilibrium policies,optimal open-loop control,belief updates,Poisson search clocks,successful acquisition,acquisition status,asymmetric information game,optimal control theory,bilevel control problem,optimal control tools,finite state game
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