Demographic history shaped geographical patterns of deleterious mutation load in a broadly distributed Pacific Salmon


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A thorough reconstruction of historical processes is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms shaping patterns of genetic diversity. Indeed, past and current conditions influencing effective population size have important evolutionary implications for the efficacy of selection, increased accumulation of deleterious mutations, and loss of adaptive potential. Here, we gather extensive genome-wide data that represent the extant diversity of the Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) to address two objectives. We demonstrate that a single glacial refugium is the source of most of the present-day genetic diversity, with detectable inputs from a putative secondary micro-refugium. We found statistical support for a scenario whereby ancestral populations located south of the ice sheets expanded recently, swamping out most of the diversity from other putative micro-refugia. Demographic inferences revealed that genetic diversity was also affected by linked selection in large parts of the genome. Moreover, we demonstrate that the recent demographic history of this species generated regional differences in the load of deleterious mutations among populations, a finding that mirrors recent results from human populations and provides increased support for models of expansion load. We propose that insights from these historical inferences should be better integrated in conservation planning of wild organisms, which currently focuses largely on neutral genetic diversity and local adaptation, with the role of potentially maladaptive variation being generally ignored. Author summary Reconstruction of a species' past demographic history from genetic data can highlight historical factors that have shaped the distribution of genetic diversity along its genome and its geographic range. Here, we combine genotyping-by-sequencing with demographic modelling to address these issues in the Coho salmon, a Pacific salmon of conservation concern in some parts of its range, notably in the south. Our demographic reconstructions reveal a linear decrease in genetic diversity toward the north of the species range, supporting the hypothesis of a northern route of postglacial recolonization from a single major southern refugium. As predicted by theory, we also observed a higher proportion of deleterious mutations in the most distant populations from this refugium. Beyond this general pattern, among-site variation in the proportion of deleterious mutations is consistent with different local trends in effective population sizes. Our results highlight the potential importance of understanding historical factors that have shaped geographic patterns of the distribution of deleterious mutations in order to implement effective management programs for the conservation of wild populations. Such fundamental knowledge of human historical demography is now having major impacts on health sciences, and we argue it is time to integrate such approaches in conservation science as well.
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