Decision making at substantiation in cases involving racialized families: Child protection workers' perceptions of influential factors


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This exploratory study discusses the factors that influence the decision-making process of child protection workers in assessing the situation of racialized families in Montreal (Canada). Drawing on grounded theory methodology, this qualitative analysis is based on 18 in-depth semi-structured interviews and one focus group with child protection workers (CPWs). The findings indicate that, from the point of view of the CPWs, five factors have an influence on their decision making: (1) time delays; (2) the capacity to inform and educate the families, (3) type of maltreatment reported, (4) unreadiness for the work and (5) attitudes of racialized families and workers. Understanding the workers' perspectives on influential factors in their work helps us identify the challenges of daily practice and explore the complexity of decision-making under the light of personal, relational, professional and organizational factors and their specific influence on child protection practice with racialized families.
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Decision making,Professional practices,Racialized families,Grounded theory
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