Parameter estimation of history dependent leaky integrate and fire neurons using maximum likelihood methods

Neural computation(2011)

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When a neuronal spike train is observed, what can we say about the properties of the neuron that generated it? A natural way to answer this question is to make an assumption about the type of neuron, select an appropriate model for this type, and then to choose the model parameters as those that are most likely to generate the observed spike train. This is the maximum likelihood method. If the neuron obeys simple integrate and fire dynamics, Paninski, Pillow, and Simoncelli (2004) showed that its negative log-likelihood function is convex and that its unique global minimum can thus be found by gradient descent techniques. The global minimum property requires independence of spike time intervals. Lack of history dependence is, however, an important constraint that is not fulfilled in many biological neurons which are known to generate a rich repertoire of spiking behaviors that are incompatible with history …
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