Effect of DMSO, urea and ethanol on hydration of stratum corneum model membrane based on short-chain length ceramide [AP]

N.Yu. Samoylova, M.A. Kiselev, T. Hauß

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids(2019)

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Hydration of oriented multilamellar membrane based on ceramide [AP] in the DMSO, urea and ethanol aqueous solutions at various solute concentrations was investigated by neutron diffraction. Neither urea nor DMSO influence the repeat distance of the membrane and internal structure of bilayer at their mole concentration of up to 0.15 and 0.10, respectively. The d-spacing reduction effect of both compounds was observed at their concentrations of 0.2 for urea and 0.2 and 0.4 for DMSO. Compared to hydration in the pure water, both urea and DMSO slow down the swelling process, and this slowdown is more pronounced with increasing in their concentration. At concentration of 0.2, urea and DMSO induce the slight phase separation of the fully hydrated samples; at the highest used concentration of 0.6, DMSO induces the strong time-depend separation of the sample probably due to fluidization of lipid bilayers. Ethanol at a used molar concentration of 0.03 leads to dissolution of the sample.
Neutron diffraction,Stratum corneum,Lipid membrane,Ceramide [AP],Hydration,Urea,Dimethyl sulfoxide,Ethanol
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