PXR Phosphorylated at Ser350 transduces a glucose signal to repress the estrogen sulfotransferase gene in human liver cells and fasting signal in mouse livers.


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Hepatic estrogen sulfotransferase (SULT1E1), the enzyme that inactivates estrogen, regulates metabolic estrogen homeostasis. Here, we have demonstrated how nuclear receptor PXR regulated the SULT1E1 gene in response to glucose in human hepatoma-derived cells and in response to fasting in mouse livers. The SULT1E1 gene was activated by a nuclear receptor HNF4 alpha-ROR alpha complex binding on an upstream enhancer of the SULT1E1 promoter in cells cultured in high glucose medium (Hu and Negishi, 2020). The SULT1E1 gene was repressed in cells cultured in low glucose medium, in which PXR was phosphorylated at Ser350 by vaccinia virus-related kinase 1. Phosphorylated PXR interacted with this complex, retaining HNF4 alpha on and dissociating ROR alpha from the enhancer as a phosphorylated PXR complex. Therefore, in response to low glucose, phosphorylated PXR transduced a low glucose signal to repress the SULT1E1 gene in cells. Hepatic Sult1e1 mRNA was induced in PXR wild type (WT) male mice in response to fasting, whereas this induction was synergistically increased in phosphorylation-blocking PXR Ser347Ala (Ser350 in human) KI males over that observed in PXR WT males. As phosphorylated PXR repressed the Sult1e1 gene, it increased its binding to the Sult1e1 promoter in WT males. The absence of phosphorylated PXR resulted in the synergistic activation of the Sult1e1 gene in PXR KI males. Apparently, phosphorylated PXR functioned as a transcriptional repressor to the SULT1E1/Sult1e1 gene in human liver cells and mouse livers.
Pregnane X Receptor (PXR),Phosphorylation,Glucose signal transducer,Vaccinia virus-related kinase 1 (VRK1),Estrogen sulfotransferase (SULT1E1) and liver
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