Corrigendum: Examining the Nootropic Effects of a Special Extract of Bacopa monniera on Human Cognitive Functioning: 90 day Double‐Blind Placebo …

Phytotherapy Research(2015)

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In the ‘Study design and treatment conditions’ part of the Methods section, the authors stated:‘Each capsule contained 150mg B. monniera extract (20: 1) equivalent to 3g dried herb’. This statement is incorrect and the text should read:‘Each capsule contained 160 mg B. monniera extract equivalent to 4 g dried herb.’The additional two references to 150 mg B. monniera extract–in the Methods section and in the Abstract–should also read ‘160 mg’. In the same section, the authors stated:‘This patented extract of Bacopa monniera is prepared from stems, leaves and roots of a cultured variety of Bacopa monniera (collected from West Bengal) and extracted with 50% ethanol.’The concentration of the extraction solvent in manufacturing has been stated incorrectly and the actual concentration was 75% ethanol. We apologize for these errors and for any inconvenience caused. The authors relied on the information supplied …
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