Latent dynamical variables produce signatures of spatiotemporal criticality in large biological systems

Physical Review Letters(2020)

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Understanding the activity of large populations of neurons is difficult due to the combinatorial complexity of possible cell-cell interactions. To reduce the complexity, coarse-graining had been previously applied to experimental neural recordings, which showed over two decades of scaling in free energy, activity variance, eigenvalue spectra, and correlation time, hinting that the mouse hippocampus operates in a critical regime. We model the experiment by simulating conditionally independent binary neurons coupled to a small number of long-timescale stochastic fields and then replicating the coarse-graining procedure and analysis. This reproduces the experimentally-observed scalings, suggesting that they may arise from coupling the neural population activity to latent dynamic stimuli. Further, parameter sweeps for our model suggest that emergence of scaling requires most of the cells in a population to couple to the latent stimuli, predicting that even the celebrated place cells must also respond to non-place stimuli. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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