The Geomagnetic Field Intensity in the Russian Plain in V–III Millennia B.C.

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth(2020)

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—The archaeomagnetic study of ceramic material from Veksa III archaeological site (φ = 59°17′ N, λ = 40°10′ E) yield the data on the intensity of geomagnetic field in the V–III millennia B.C. in the Russian Plain. The combined results from the material of the Veksa III and Sakhtysh I sites (φ = 56°48′ N, λ = 40°33′ E) suggest that in the studied time interval, the intensity of the geomagnetic field mainly varied within 30 to 50 μT. The gradual changes in the intensity are superimposed by a variation with a characteristic time of approximately 1000 years. The results on the intensity of the geomagnetic field determined for the Russian Plain for the time interval V–III millennia B.C. add substantially to the magnetic field data during this time interval, which promotes better understanding of the variations in the ancient geomagnetic field.
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intensity of the geomagnetic field, archaeomagnetic studies
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