Fold–Thrust Deformations of New Siberia Island (Novosibirsky Islands, Russia): Age, Morphology, and Genesis of Structures


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— Detailed lithological, stratigraphic, and structural studies of the fold-thrust structures were conducted on New Siberia Island. We have established that the jointly deformed complexes of the Upper Cretaceous–Middle Neopleistocene are overlapped by undeformed sediments of the Upper Neopleistocene. This fact confirms the completion of the deformation process at the end of the Middle Neopleistocene. An additional argument excluding the ancient age of dislocations is the result of the fission track dating for apatites. The resulting track ages of apatites significantly exceeded the age of deformed rocks, which was reliably established by the other methods. In deformed complexes, unlithified permafrost rocks predominate. Folded structures are characterized by joint deformation of sedimentary rocks, formation ice and ice-ground, inconsistency of fold orientation and different direction of structural evolution in the northern and southern parts of the island New Siberia. Considering the correspondence of the established age of dislocations to the age of the largest Pleistocene glaciation, all these facts allow us to state that the fold-and-thrust deformations of the island New Siberia are glaciodislocations.
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fold–thrust deformations, asymmetrical folds, glaciodislocations, ice grounds, Neopleistocene, New Siberia Island, Arctic region
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