Rapid isolation of rare targets from large fluid volumes


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Rapidly isolating rare targets from larger, clinically relevant fluid volumes remains an unresolved problem in biomedicine and diagnosis. Here, we describe how 3D particle sorting can enrich targets at ultralow concentrations over 100-fold within minutes not possible with conventional approaches. Current clinical devices based on biochemical extraction and microfluidic solutions typically require high concentrations and/or can only process sub-milliliter volumes in time. In a proof-of-concept application, we isolated bacteria from whole blood as demanded for rapid sepsis diagnosis where minimal numbers of bacteria need to be found in a 1–10 mL blood sample. After sample encapsulation in droplets and target enrichment with the 3D particle sorter within a few minutes, downstream analyses were able to identify bacteria and test for antibiotic susceptibility, information which is critical for successful treatment of bloodstream infections.
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Biotechnology,Engineering,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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