Research data supporting" Generation of a three dimensional collagen scaffold based model of the human endometrium"


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The Excel file contains the following information on separate sheets:(1) the volume percent of pore sizes for each scaffold condition,(2) average scaffold pore sizes and standard deviations, and (3) scaffold percolation diameters. These Micro-CT data were collected using the three-dimensional analysis function and the shrink wrap feature on CTAn software, included in the Skyscan package. For percolation diameter calculations, all values were non-negative with R2> 0.8. The Excel file also includes the decidual stromal cell densities within (4) the top 100 m of the scaffold surfaces for each scaffold condition and (5) a cross-section of the scaffold perpendicular to the scaffold surfaces. The number of cells on the scaffold surfaces was determined by nuclear stains counted by Fiji’s automatic particle analyzer and the TrackMate plugin. Four images parallel to the scaffold surfaces with dimensions of 1.417 mm x 1.417 mm and a thickness of 100 m from the scaffold surface were captured for each scaffold and averaged together. The location of cells within the scaffolds was determined from the coordinates of nuclear stains using the Fiji plugin TrackMate for confocal images taken perpendicularly to the scaffold surfaces. Sheet (6) of the Excel file contains the raw measurements for the sizes of the organoid fragments immediately after fragmentation, as measured on Fiji using a light microscope image. See the main manuscript for more details.
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